Our Museum: Toys & Pedal Cars
When you walk into Motion Unlimited Museum the first thing you will see is showcases and walls filled with toys. Every room and building in the museum has toys on display. From Tonka, Hubley, Smith Miller, limited edition die-cast, like Eastwood, SpecCast to Hot Wheels, Match Box, Japanese tin, Marx tin, and original cast iron toys. We quit counting at 2,000, but we haven’t quit collecting. So if you too are a toy collector you will more than likely see toys you collect and some you don’t have. It’s great for younger children to get to see and ask questions about all these real steel toys that will last a couple of lifetimes. We also have a very large collection of model cars many still in their boxes, like AMT, Jo-Han, Revelle, and many more, plus we have some rare bigger plastic and rubber toys. Not many of the rubber and plastic toys from the ’30s, ’40s, and ’50s survived, usually, the dog chewed them up, or the plastic toys were broken from playing with them just like nowadays. We even have construction steel toys. Remember all that fun you had in the dirt with those?

Did you have a pedal vehicle when you were young? Maybe we have your old pedal vehicle in our 125 pedal vehicle collection. When our son was about 2 years old we bought the first Murray dump truck, and then we bought him an Irish Mail, (hand operated pumping car that you steer with your feet). Tony had a lot of fun with that one. Then as people started coming in they said, “Hey we have an old pedal car out in the garage, or in the family junk pile”. Well, guess what? Pretty soon we had a dozen, then we went on a quest to collect more and more. Our collection includes cars, tractors, jeeps, boat, airplane, scooter, X-Wing fighter, American and English pedal cars, and other very unique and very tastefully displayed pedal vehicles that are on display throughout the museum. Make sure you look up when you are strolling through, don’t miss the BMC cars. Our special favorite is the 1935 Pontiac pedal car we got for Christmas a few years ago from our son and daughter-in-law who spent 130 hours on the restoration and metal fabrication. It is absolutely awesome! Come relive your early years, bring the family. Yes, you can bring your camera, and take home some memories.